Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Birthday Surprise!

I've been a little M.I.A. here in blogland lately! But, I'm back! So, yesterday I turned 33 and as much as I don't enjoy getting older, I have LOVED my 30's! Yesterday was full of surprises, I have a wonderful man who pampers me (not just on special occasions either!), he made me breakfast, bought me a tattoo, new laptop (my old was crashed), some new running shoes (my 1st pair) and dive gear! It was almost like Christmas! After that, the he took my son with him to the store and when they got back they surprised me with yet ANOTHER awesome gift...a iPod touch and a $25 iTunes card AND picked me up a old tractor tire someone tossed out (crazy people!)! So, now I can blog, run with music, go diving this summer AND flip a tire in the backyard! Did you know, scuba diving burn 346 calories per hour?!


My tattoo it's a Hei Matau (whale's tale) is means Safe passage over water.


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