Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My Old Bucket List

Going through an OLD notebook earlier today, I came across this old "bucket list" I made when I turned 30. Back then I never thought any of them would happen! It's kinda sad how short and mundane this list is...for a bucket list!

1. Lose weight
2. Run a 5K race of some sort BEFORE I am 32
3. Take a photography class
4. Make a CHANGE
5. Grow out my hair and donate it to Lock's of Love
6. Learn to knit
7. Craft more
8. Go on a vacation
9. Get a tattoo
10.  (I guess I couldn't come up with a number 10 at the time) 

Well, I have actually done a lot of these things I listed. Honestly, at that point in my life I NEVER thought they would happen! Here is what I have done!

1. Lose weight ** So far I have lost 60 lbs! **

2. Run a 5K race of some sort BEFORE I am 32 ** I will be 33 in March, but I have TWO 5K's planned                for this year!! **

3.Take a photography class.  ** I haven't done this yet **

4. Make a CHANGE ** Boy did I ever! So many things have changed. I'm LOVING life! Most of all I found the love of my life **

5. Grow out my hair and donate it to Lock's of Love ** I haven't done yet **

6. Learn to knit. ** I haven't done yet **

7. Craft more. ** Sadly, I craft LESS. But, I have so many other thing's I do. On occassion I do though! **

8. Go on a vacation. ** We went on an AMAZING 8 day vacation to Cozumel in June 2012 **

9. Get a tattoo. ** I got my 1st one when I was 30. I hate it. I have 2 more that I have gotten since...that I love! **

10. Previously left blank. I have a whole new list in the making! LIFE IS MEANT TO BE LIVED!!! STAY TUNED!


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