Monday, July 30, 2012

Learning About My Strengths

I took the weekend off...for a very good reason! I had my Open Water at the lake, I'm now a CERTIFIED PADI OPEN WATER SCUBA DIVER!!! I gotta tell ya it taught me how to over come fears and it taught me that I am stronger than I give myself credit for. It's all mind over matter! It was such an awesome experience, I am so glad I did it. I learned that scuba diving for 1 hour you burn 800 calories, so I didn't feel so bad skipping P90X. But, I was so wore out by the end of the day I couldn't do much. I left the house at 6a.m., drove 2 hours to the lake then carried  2 big bags (equipment), 2 tanks and an ice chest down to the boat then did my Open Water until around 4p.m., then carried everything BACK to the car! It was no easy task! lol. Then did it all over on Sunday. I loved it. I met some nice people and had a very nice, patient instructor! Nothing made me happier than the moment he shook my hand and said, "Congratulations, you passed"! Now, I'm ready to explore the underwater life. So amazing. But, its Monday, so I will be back at it in a few hours. I gotta get to my goal so I can buy all my equipment...and maybe even be able to wear a bikini under (my fingers are crossed)! : )


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