Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012!!!

It's been a great year, but ready to bring in the New Year!!! 2013 is going to be the year of hitting my BIG goal!! Who's with me? No more resolutions...WE are going to make this happen, 2013 is our year!!! If you don't have a coach hit me up, I'd love to help you make your goals!

Where There Is Hope, There Is A Way

I never intended on sharing my life story with the world....or with most people for that matter. Mostly, I never wanted it to seem like I was out for sympathy and I didn't think anyone would ever care about hearing details of my life. Other than people who personally know me and actually seen my life first hand, I have only shared this with very few. But, after opening up to these few people, they made me realize that if I open up and share my story maybe I can help someone who is living the same way. To show them there is hope and freedom and I am here to tell you... there is. So, if I can help just ONE person, then it'll be worth it. I have often heard people say there isn't such thing as mental abuse...THERE is. I lived it. Longer than I should have. Lesson learned. This doesn't hit the amount of MENTAL abuse I endured. I lived this life for nearly 11 years, in hopes of change. People like this never change. All it did was break me. Made me lose any self respect I had. Most days I felt lost. Food was my comfort. I got to where I didn't care about myself. But, today, my life is a total turn around. I've never been happier or more loved and in love. With someone new of course. But, never the less HAPPINESS can happen. I promise, I have lived through hell and back. Happiness, love, support commitment and determination has helped me lose 60 pounds and I'm still going. So here is my story...well, the gist of it.

 I got married at the age of 19, I like to say I was young and dumb, excited to be a grown up. Later that year, I found out I was pregnant with my first daughter. My first "incident" of abuse that I can recall was on the way to a doctors appointment (around 6 months along), I was driving and we were talking, I said something he didn't agree with and next thing I know he had knocked my head against the window. That was probably the start of the bad. Around this time our marriage started to change. He got to where he would yell at me and call me a name here and there. He didn't like my family coming around, unless it was at his benefit. I didn't have friends. His family were my only friends. During that pregnancy I gained a good 50 pounds. but I lost the weight really fast after having her. Not everything was bad at this time. Then, 21 months later I gave birth to my son, I gained 70ish pounds with his pregnancy. I really thought I would lose it quickly after having him. I was wrong! I was unhappy and depressed. Completely stressed. He worked, I stayed home with the kids. I loved being able to stay home with them, but he would throw it at me that I didn't make money staying home...and he didn't like to give me any. Things progressively got worse. I was scared to do anything, I was scared to leave the house, especially if he didn't know before hand. He's one of those who is right, even when wrong type people. I was always having to hide things from him, so I didn't get yelled at...for stupid things like, how much I spent at the store or who called on the phone that day. I almost wished we didn't have a phone, so it wouldn't ring. If I didn't have dinner ready by 5 when he got off of work, I had hell to pay... I got accused of everything under the sun. And if I burnt something or forgot to make something, I was IN TROUBLE. In his mind everything was about money...why show me love when he could just go buy me a new car (every other year)? Yes, who doesn't like a new car, but, I would've chose to be treated like a human over a new car. I turned to eating. It was all I had. I tried leaving him when my kids were 2 and 4, but he swore he would change and I believed him. Things seemed to be going great. I got pregnant again several months later AND then he went back to his old self. But, worse. I couldn't go ANYWHERE alone. At one point he would stand outside of the bathroom door and wait until I came out...he was making sure I wasn't calling someone. He did most anything that needed to be done outside of the house. I couldn't even go visit my grandma. All he ever wanted to do was fight. With this pregnancy I gained around 16 pounds and I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and I remember when the dietitian was teaching me how to do the insulin shots, she wanted him to try also and I refused! I hated needles enough as it was, I sure didn't want his help. Then, she was teaching him things to do in case of emergency, I thank God I never had to rely on him for any of that. I gave birth to a healthy baby girl shortly after. The months to follow were no different. He ended up sick and in the hospital, (we lived an hour from the hospital) so I decided to stay with my mom, for the help and to be close to the hospital. Why? I have no idea. Why did I care, when he didn't? When I told him I was staying with her, he cussed me. That day, my mom went and added me to her cell phone plan. It was a secret. She wanted me to have it in case of an emergency and so I could have contact with family without being yelled at.  Sad thing is, that week he was in the hospital was one of the nicest weeks I had in years. Nobody telling me what to do, I could drive around and not have to worry about being cussed for driving somewhere! I could answer the phone! After he returned home, I remember locking myself in the bedroom after a fight, just crying because I wanted out, HOPING for a change. I knew I was the only one in control of this. But, I didn't work, had no money, 3 kids and nowhere to go. I just didn't understand why he hated me so much. All I ever tried to do was keep the peace and have a happy life. But, it was far from any of that. We had gotten into a horrible fight one day and he said some AWFUL things to me. One, pretty much saying he didn't care if I was dead...just not in so many words. I took him seriously. That night I slept with my oldest daughter (who was almost 7) and laid there thinking of my plan to leave as he watched stalked me from around the corner. That morning, I packed up most of the house (with the help of his sister) while he was at work and took some money he had hid from me and got the heck out of there. We stayed with his family for a few days, then we went to my moms. The saying, blood is thicker than water is TRUE. They quickly turned on me. Within a few months I got me an apartment and got life situated. Things were good. I was happier than I had been in a very long time. He slowly started coming around being nice, wanting to do things as a family (first time ever). I didn't fall for it right away I kept my distance. We stayed separated for a year before I decided I would give him another chance. He moved in with us. I thought this way things were in my favor. If anyone was to move it would be him. Well, this was fine for a few months, then we started looking at buying another house. We found one, bought it and moved in. AGAIN, everything was fine for a short time. Slowly, his old way crept back in. I can't tell you how stupid I felt. How heartbroken I was. How BROKEN I was. Being cussed daily, there wasn't A DAY that went by I wasn't called a stupid "B" or a whore, told I was worthless, stupid, good for nothing, etc. really payed a toll on my mind. Eventually, after years of hearing this I believed him. It was like he brainwashed me. I was SCARED to make decisions or think for myself, so I looked to him for all of that. If I chose the wrong thing, I was yelled at and cussed. I became severely depressed. He used to tell me nobody will ever want me, while he will have a line of women outside of his door. Because, I just didn't know how good I have it and  they would appreciate him. Funny how a man who belittles women, even his own mother can expect appreciation. Someone who didn't care if I got a flat tire or ran out of gas because he didn't think he should have to give me gas money. Thank God for my dad, who helped me many times in those situations! During this time I reconnected with my best friend from high school...which he couldn't stand. Even though we didn't talk to each other for around 8 years, we picked up like we never stopped. She listened to me and like everyone else she told me to get out. Somehow I would make it. My weight had reached its all time high (highest that I know, I tried to stay away from the scale) of 245. I did diets and walked but, I had no "umph", he would tell me, I need to face it I was fat and I will always be fat. No, I was unhappy and stressed to the max, so I masked it with food. I made myself fat, but I knew I was the only one who could change it. I continued walking on eggshells, never knowing what was going to happen minute to minute. He could be fine and acting happy and the slightest thing would set him off. Made me scared to do anything. I was never good enough. I allowed this for 2 more years. Listening to him cuss me, yell at me and degrade before I said enough is enough. One big moment for me, was having family members from both sides tell me they worried about getting a phone call saying he killed me and the kids. That was enough. I was tired of being married to someone who obviously HATED me. I had mentioned divorce several times, but he wouldn't go for it. I told him he didn't want to be married to me and I didn't want to be married him anymore, so let's just get divorced and move on. He didn't take me seriously. In his eyes, I just wanted money out of him. On February 2, 2011, I made a decision I was leaving and I chose the date of March 1, 2011 (third times a charm, right?!). Only a few people knew of my plan. In that month I packed (what he couldn't see) and on March 1st I moved out with the help of my best friend (who risked it all to help me, even going back to the house ALONE to get stuff that we left behind), again while he was at work. It was by the Grace of God he didn't come home while we were packing our cars...he only works 5 min from the house. It was one of the scariest, most happiest days of my life (more than the 1st time I left)! We stayed with my mom again, but this time I got some help through a women's shelter. They recommended a lawyer, I filed for divorce and 4 months later it was finalized. This time, I moved away and never looked back.  I was happy to be "free".I have gone through days of deep depression, thinking I'm not good enough or wondering why someone could love me or would love me. I'm sure part of me will always be "cracked". Everyday is a new day and I have learned so much about myself. In 21 months, I have done more than in my entire adult life. Seriously, some of the smallest, simplest things you do everyday, I've just now done. I had always said I wish I could go back to that 19 year old girl because there is so much I would do over. But, I wouldn't be who I am today and I wouldn't have 3 great kids. I'm not perfect, I make mistakes...everyone does. I've learned a great deal from mine. It has taught me to appreciate people not things. That happiness and love come first. Today, I have a GREAT man. He is my biggest supporter and has shown me what it feels like to be loved. He has shown me that not all men are that way. That I am capable of anything I put my mind to. The power of someone loving you and believing in you is one of the greatest gifts. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be a part of Beachbody (he bought me P90X for my birthday). Life is just now beginning for me and I love it! I will live it to the fullest! I can go on and on, but, I'm not. I know I'm not the only one to live like this. So, if you do, I just want you to know there are ways out of relationships like this. There is HOPE. There are "happily ever afters". If you need someone to talk to, who has been there, message me.... add me on Facebook. I know the fear of talking about it and worrying it will get back some how. ANYTHING said is ALWAYS confidential.

My life lesson here.....
These words are truer than TRUE!!
***Emotional Abuse: the debasement of a person's feelings that causes the individual to perceive himself or herself as inept, not cared for, and worthless.***

                           " Love without compassion is possessive, controlling, and dangerous."

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Shakeology vs Other Shakes

There are so many shakes on the market today, I can see why it's so confusing to know which is the best for you. I have tried quite a few of them, but none of them have came close to Shakeology! Not only has it helped me lose weight, I have never felt better! I often get sent questions asking me about the difference between Shakeology vs other shakes out there. You can see the comparison chart here:

8 Reasons Why Shakeology is a Better Choice than Other Shakes

1. Shakeology is not only a meal replacement shake that people can use for weight loss, it’s also a nutritional supplement that can be used to promote overall wellness. If you’re not currently meeting your required daily servings of fruits and vegetables, then a glass of Shakeology will give your body the beneficial nutrients you need from clean, whole food sources.
2. Shakeology is the only meal replacement shake on the market that boasts more than 70 natural whole food ingredients in its formulation. Other meal replacement shakes simply lower the carbohydrate content and increase the protein content of their beverages to come up with a drink that promotes weight loss. Shakeology, however, puts all the beneficial components of these ingredients to work together. As a result, this shake not only promotes weight loss, but better overall health.
3. It is the only meal replacement drink that is packed with powerful phytonutrients and antioxidants, proteins and amino acids, adaptogens, prebiotics and digestive enzymes, and vitamins and minerals in an all-in-one formulation. Other products only have a minute amount of these helpful macro and micronutrients.
4. Shakeology does not use refined sugars or artificial sweeteners. Other meal replacement products use aspartame, sucralose, or other artificial sugars that have been proven to have adverse health effects. Ironically, when compared with other shakes, Shakeology also wins in the taste department and has no weird or bitter aftertaste.
5. Shakeology is certified gluten-free. Other meal replacement shakes cannot claim this for themselves and as such are not safe for use for those with gluten sensitivity issues and celiac disease.
6. It contains 23 vitamins and minerals essential for optimum body functioning. In particular, Shakeology contains the recommended daily serving of Vitamin A. Other meal replacement shakes boast more which can actually be detrimental since new studies have found that this can be potentially harmful to the body when taken in excess.
7. The Beachbody Shakeology shake contains whey protein isolate which is highly bioavailable, meaning that it is a form that’s easily absorbed into the bloodstream and begins working right away to help in the repair and growth of muscles. Other meal replacement formulas use whey both protein isolate and whey protein concentrate, neither of which is as readily absorbed by the body.
8. Shakeology fights oxidative stress and protects against free radical damage because of its rich antioxidant content. Many other shakes simply focus on reducing weight and do not claim nor accomplish this capability.

Monday, December 10, 2012

January Challenge Group

                A NEW YEAR, A NEW YOU!

Do you set New Years Resolutions every year? I know I have for as far back as I can remember! Number 1 was ALWAYS to lose weight. Sound familiar? Well, why not make it happen this year?  I have a small PRIVATE facebook group starting January 2, that will offer SUPPORT, MOTIVATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY! If you are interested PLEASE don't hesitate to  message me, I would love for you to join our group and MAKE your GOALS your ACCOMPLISHMENTS! Summer is right around the corner...LET'S DO THIS!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse

 Friday morning when I got up, I had decided to try on a pair of jeans that I had purposely bought too small, a year ago. When I bought them, I couldn't get them past my thighs! But, low and behold, I got them on...buttoned and zipped! Now, they were FAR from comfortable, but I felt good just knowing how far I had come!  DECEMBER GOAL: WEARING those jeans! I then decided I wanted to do the 3 Day Shakeology cleanse.I've been reading ALOT about people doing it and having some great results, losing anywhere between 3-6 lbs. So, I started Friday morning and it wasn't bad all...because I LOVE SHAKEOLOGY. I made it through the entire 3 days never feeling hungry at all!! I ended up LOSING 6 WHOLE POUNDS!!! Oh, I can't forget...I can wear those jeans (from above) COMFORTABLY!!! This is definitely something I will do again in the near future. Probably, before I start my next program. Here is a picture of my Day 1 and Day 3...notice day 3 has NO muffin top?!!! Now, I'm trying to find my NEW December goal!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Time to Be Real

I've decided it's time for me to be REAL with you...I don't like to put my weight out there for the world to see, BUT, I today I am BECAUSE I want YOU to see that your weight DOES NOT define YOU. People are people regardless of size! When, I decided it was time for me to make a change, I was finally in a happy place in my life for the first time in nearly 12 years. I had recently gotten a divorce (the BEST decision I EVER made), I moved 2 1/2 hours away from the ONLY place I really knew, my kids were thriving in their new environment and I was in a new and healthy relationship (we are still going strong almost 2 yrs later). I decided it was time for me to work on myself, at this point I weighed in at a whopping 245 lbs...probably not my highest, but, being that size I didn't want to know. The marriage I was in wasn't the best, I had no support in any way, so any motivation I ever got to lose weight was quickly swept under the rug. Eating was my therapy. It was my stress reliever. It was my happy place. Having Cliff (my boyfriend) in my life is one of the best things that could have happened to me. He has supported and believed in me from day 1. One September day, I decided to join a gym. Me and my self conscious, over weight self walking into that gym full of fit, skinny, healthy people was the HARDEST thing I had done at that point. I felt like all eyes were on me. I didn't go back for 3 days after I signed up. I was embarrassed. But, one day after dropping the kids off at school, I made myself go in. I walked on that treadmill for 2 hours. It took me 2 months of going everyday, Monday through Friday, 2 times a day, before I could gather the courage to do anything else. Luckily, one day a trainer came up to me and said, you know you walk an awful lot. What are your goals? I told him I wanted to lose weight and tone up. He said, well then walking isn't going to do that for you. And, he showed me some things to do. He worked with me on and off for the next several months. I was determined. Then, in March Cliff bought me P90X. I started that in April and quit the gym. Beachbody has changed my life. I'm not to my goal yet, but, it has given me so much more than the fitness aspect. It has taught me alot about myself, it taught me that I am the only person holding myself back from the things I want most in life, I have met so many AMAZING people and feel blessed to be given this opportunity to share this with others. To date I have lost 55 lbs and went from a size 18/20 to a 12 (some 10's) I'm still going. It's not about the number on the scale. Its about YOU feeling GOOD about where you are! I have noticed with each size I drop my confidence builds up. I often wonder why I ever let myself get to that point? But, really it don't matter now, I know I'm never going back. I just want you to know, I am here to help you!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Black Friday-Cyber Monday Sales

Beachbody has a GREAT sale going on right now!!! Definitely one you don't want to miss!! Check out all these great deals that will be running through Cyber Monday, unless they sell out before hand!

P90X + 3 Shakeology samples $99

Turbo Fire

10-Minute Trainer

Hip Hop Abs

Power 90

Body Gospel

Squishy Ball

These deals don't happen everyday and supplies are limited to buy yours today!!

Check out just a few transformations from SOME of these programs:

                          You can be next!!!

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 16, 2012



Slim in 6 is on SALE RIGHT now for $39.90!!! Beachbody is SERIOUSLY doing a bunch of
promotions this time of year. Click the link below to take advantage of this AMAZING limited time
offer while it's still available!

Slim in 6 is a 6 week program to help you lose weight and tone your body. It has helped THOUSANDS of people lose up to 25 pounds in just 6 weeks! If you are new to working out, this work out program is a great place to start. It combines fat-burning cardio with light weight resistance moves to help you slim and sculpt your body without bulking up. You will slim your midsection and get slim, sexy thighes, hips, and arms!

Here's what you get:

*START IT UP!: Introduces you to the basic Slim Training moves for burning calories and reshaping your body (25 minutes)
*RAMP IT UP!: Helps you burn more calories each day to accelerate your results (48 minutes)
*BURN IT UP!: Takes slimming and toning to the next level to complete your reshaping (60 minutes)

*SIMPLE STEPS TO SUCCESS! Guide book: This guide book helps you get the most out of your program for your best results.

*STEP-BY-STEP NUTRITION GUIDE: Helps you make the right food choices so you lose weight faster.

*MOTIVATIONAL CALENDER: Lets you chart your progress.

*TAPE MEASURE: Watch the inches melt away!

*FREE ONLINE ACCESS: Get diet and fitness tips and amazing peer support.

  *Slim & Six pack: Advanced ab routine for flat, sexy abs (11 minutes)
  *Slim & Limber: Flexibility routine to revitalize you on your days off. (14 minutes)

*PLUS 3 FREE GIFTS*6 Day Express Diet Plan: Helps you lose up to 6 pounds and 6 inches in your first 6 days. Also includes and handy measurement card.
*Cardio Core Express!: New moves to burn fat while tightening and strengthening your core (35 minutes).
*Slim Training Band: Burn fat and tone muscle even faster.

Plus, there is a Money back guarantee! So, don't miss this AWESOME deal!! Act fast it won't last long!!

Order Here

Kari Z lost 45 pounds with Slim In 6®

"I had no energy, was sick of being overweight and had high cholesterol. Now I'm able to run, bike, spin, play tennis and volleyball! I've kept it up and have lost 45 pounds!"

Stacey G lost 18 pounds with Slim in 6.

"EVERYONE is commenting on not only how I look but how my whole persona has changed! They talk about how energetic I am and how positive my attitude is now."

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

~WoRkOuT WeDnEsDaY~

Today is day 73 of P90X!! I've been a bit under the weather the last few days and don't feel like I have given my all, but tonight I'm gonna BRING IT!  Tomorrow, I'm doubling up! I promised myself I was going to push my limits this last month and I WON'T give in! Did you give your all today?

Because, not only do I want a body like this I wanf to LOOK and FEEL healthy.

Developing Healthy Exercise Habits

7 Steps to Develop an Exercise Habit in 30 Days

We all know exercise is great for us. It improves both physical and mental health as well as giving us higher levels of energy throughout the day. If, like many people, you struggle to exercise on a consistent basis, then most likely exercise is not a ‘habit’ for you. Habits are behaviours that are largely automatic and you don’t have to spend time motivating yourself to do it – it’s simply a part of your routine and lifestyle. If you would like exercise to become ‘automatic’ for you – along with all the associated benefits – follow this proven 7 step method from “7 Steps to Make or Break Habits” E-book .

1. Develop Self Awareness

First you must develop awareness of the need to change. What are all the reasons that starting an exercise habit is a necessity for you?
You also need to build awareness of your current exercise habits and fitness level so you can make improvements. Are you exercising daily, weekly or not at all? What is currently preventing you from exercising? Is it a lack of time, enjoyment or fitness know-how? Can you remove some of these obstacles?

2. Set a Goal

Set a goal for the amount of exercise you would like to be doing. To successfully condition a habit you will need to do the activity every day for 30 days to ensure it sticks. Therefore, it is best to start off with something small that you can do EVERYDAY rather than attempting strenuous workouts that will leave you unable to exercise for days later.
Make sure you goal is SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely). For example, “I will walk for 15 minutes each day for the next 30 days at an aerobically challenging pace”. You might want to include the time of day you will exercise as well if appropriate e.g. 7am weekday mornings and 9am on the weekend. Now you have something specific and measurable to hold yourself accountable to.

3. Build your Motivation

Until exercise becomes a habit, you will have to motivate yourself to do it.
Focusing on the benefits will help to motivate you. Write down all the reasons why you want to build an exercise habit such as improved physical health, reaching or maintaining a healthy weight, increased mental clarity, stress relief, feeling good from endorphins etc.
Read over these benefits morning and night and put them in a prominent place where you can see them.
Think also about the consequences of not following through, such as a lifetime of poor health and low energy.
We are more motivated to do activities we enjoy – therefore, make exercise fun! There are thousands of different ways you can move your body and exercise – be creative working with your interests.
You can also look at ways to make a particular form of exercise more enjoyable. For example, using your walk time to appreciate nature or reflect on your day can greatly increase your enjoyment. Do not use it as a time to think about your problems!
Having someone to exercise with will also make it more enjoyable and increase your commitment.

4. Decide on a Plan and Strategy

You will need a detailed plan to ensure you follow through on your commitment.
Treat exercise as a priority and plan your day so it won’t get pushed aside. Morning exercise is best for this but straight after work is also a good time. Opt for indoor exercises or schedule a lunchtime walk if you’re really pressed for time.
Have a contingency plan for bad weather if you are planning to exercise outdoors. This may include weights at home or treadmill so you can continue your habit in adverse weather conditions.
Organise as much as you can in advance, such as getting your gym gear ready the night before so you don’t leave without it. Try and work out exactly when, where and how you will exercise before you actually do it. The fewer obstacles and decisions that need to be made, the easier it will be to follow through.
Make yourself accountable to someone to ensure you stick with it.

5. Prepare your Mind

To successfully change a habit, you will need to work on your thoughts and beliefs as well as your physical behaviour. For example, it will be difficult to maintain an exercise program if you believe with all your heart that you can never become fit and healthy or that to do so requires great sacrifice and pain. You must change your thoughts and beliefs in order to successfully change.
The free e-book 7 Steps to Make or Break Habits provides detailed information on how to do this.

6. Take Action

Commit to following your plan for 30 days as it takes 21-30 days to form a habit. Put your commitment in writing and remind yourself that at the end of the 30 days, exercise will be a habit and you will not require as much effort as it does in the early stages.

7. Track your Progress

Start by recording simply doing your exercise each day. As Woody Allen said, “half of life is just showing up”. Focus on building a healthy habit first, THEN focus on specific results once the habit is formed.
As you progress, you might want to track things such as your weight or muscle gain to stay motivated. Beware though of focusing exclusively on something such as weight as you are likely to plateau at some point. You may then lose the motivation to exercise and start the slow slide back to your original non-exercising state. Recording simple numbers such as the number of push ups, speed or distance that you run can help you see that you are getting stronger and faster.
Finally… don’t break the habit! Once you have developed an exercise habit, don’t drop it at the first sign of trouble. Avoid long breaks in exercising or rebuilding the habit will take some effort. Rest assured though that it WILL be easier to form the habit 2nd time around!
Michelle Joseph is the author of “7 Steps to Make or Break Habits”. Visit her website : to find out more about her work.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Shakeology Fudge Bars

The classic flavors of chocolate and peanut butter meld together in this brownie-like treat.

Total Time: 1 hr., 10 min.
Prep Time: 10 min.
Yield: 4 bars

• 1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
• 1 scoop Beachbody Whey Protein Powder
• ½ cup natural peanut butter
• ½ banana
• ½ cup rolled oats

1. Mix all ingredients together.
2. Freeze for at least 90 minutes in an 8" x 8" pan.
4. Remove from freezer, cut into 4 squares.

Nutritional Information (per serving):

Calories: 249Fat: 10g Saturated Fat: 2g Cholesterol: 13mg Sodium: 76g Carbohydrate: 25g Fiber: 4g Sugar Total: 6g Protein: 16g

Monday, November 12, 2012

Clean Eating

To start off you need to erase the word diet out of your mind! Clean eating is a lifestyle change and cutting out as much processed foods as possible...eating foods in there most natural state. Here are a few tips:

* Eat lean meats such as chicken, turkey, fish and bison.

* Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

* Eat healthy fats such as Avocados,Olive Oil, coconut Oil, Sunflower Oil, Peanut Oil, Sesame Oil,  Olives, Nuts, , Soybean Oil, Corn Oil, Safflower Oil, seeds, soymilk and Nut Butters.

*Eat 5 – 6 times a day. Three meals and two to three small snacks. Include a lean protein, plenty of fresh fruit and veggies, and a complex carbohydrate with each meal. This ensures that you have enough energy to burn sufficient calories throughout the day.

* Drink lots of water throughout the day.

* Prepare yourself. I like to keep snacks in my car for those moments when you leave your house UNPREPARED. I keep stuff like apples, oranges and pumpkin seeds in my glove box. Plus, preparing your meals for the week ahead is a great way to stay on track! Pick a day (Like grocery shopping day) and cut up all your veggies and fruit and cook your meats. Have it all ready so all you have to do it grab it and go or heat and eat!

* Eat 5-6 small meals a day. I try to eat every 2 hours. Three meals and two to three small snacks. Include a lean protein, plenty of fresh fruit and veggies, and a carbohydrate with each meal. 

*  Stay away from white bread, pasta and sugar!  Generally if its white I stay away. Choose whole grains instead.

* NO Alcohol.

* It's ok to treat yourself every now and then...just not everyday!

* Control portions. I had a hard time with this in the beginning. I never knew what a portion REALLY was... it made a huge difference.

These are just some tips to help you get started. You'll find what works for you the more you do it. It took me some time to adjust and learn how to make the healthy choice. Eventually, you won't crave the old foods that you  used to eat. If I do crave something I know I shouldn't have, I try to find a healthy substitute. For example, if I want ice cream... I mix me up achocolate Shakeology with lots of ice so its thick and it really satisfies my craving.

**Here are few great clean eating websites**

The Gracious Pantry

100 Days of Real Food

Clean Eating Magazine









Give yourself time to adjust. While eating clean can be a huge change for some people, keep in mind that most recipes can be adapted to a clean eating lifestyle. You don’t have to give up your favorites (unless your favorite is Twinkies. Anyone know what those things are really made of?) Obviously, you need to keep things in balance. If all you eat is clean eating donuts all week long, you’re not going to get healthy. But my point is that you should never feel deprived either.

My Why

Everyone has there own reason's as to WHY they want to lose weight and/or get fit. For me, I wanted to feel comfortable in my own skin, I wanted my kids to have a HEALTHY mom, I was in a new relationship (although, he loves me regrardless), I wanted to LIVE a LONG, HAPPY, HEALTHY and PRODUCTIVE life. I couldn't even lay down and breath normally, I was easily winded from the simplest movements. I feared what was going to happen to me if I didn't change. Obesity is a serious matter. So many problems come from being obese, you have a higher risk for gallstones, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides, coronary artery disease (CAD), a stroke, and sleep apnea, among other conditions. On top of all that, I didn't like the way I felt about myself or looked in clothes, I had NO energy and I was depressed. I knew that if I wanted any of that to change it was up to me. Nobody else could do it for me. Like I've said in earlier post, I'm not where I want to be yet, but I feel SO much better 55lbs. lighter. I can breathe! Main things is my kids will have their mom! This is a LIFESTYLE change, something that I will live by forever. I'm thankful that fast food now makes me sick to my stomach and that I can't handle drinking soda. Those are 2 of the WORST thing we can put in our bodies. Healthy is out there we just have to have the will power to change and to stick with it. It is possible. What is your why?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dreary Day's

Today, is a dreary (rain is on its way) fall day here in Arkansas. Day's like today are the one's where I want to cuddle up on the couch and SLEEP! But, as easy as that would be, it wouldn't get me to my goal and if I skipped the guilt would be too much for me to bare! So, I got off my lazy rear and pushed play! I've made a promise to myself to PUSH myself to my limit this last month of P90X and I can't WON'T break it! 2013 is going to be my year! I have so many goals to achieve and I can't wait to see where each one of them take me! I'm in the process of making my "Dream Board", I'll share it when I'm finished with it! Hope everyone has had a WONDERFUL weekend! Remember PUSH PLAY...RAIN OR SHINE!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

For Starters...

To some, the thought of starting a workout program like Insanity or P90X is VERY overwhelming! But, Beachbody has a variety of workout videos for EVERYOBODY, regardless of your physical shape. So, just because you start off with something like, 10 Minute Trainer doesn't mean your next workout won't be Insanity or P90X! You don't know what you are capable of until you push yourself! I promise...I've been there! Also, Shakeology is a great CLEAN start to any workout regimen! So, don't think you CAN'T do this, we can find something to fit your needs. Message me!

Look At What Beachbody Can Do For YOU

EVERYDAY,  Beachbody transforms bodies of ALL shapes and sizes! Where there's a a there's a way! Remember, you're in control of your own destiny. If you don't believe in yourself how can you expect other's too? Are you looking for a change? Maybe to lose those last 10 lbs or maybe you have 100 lbs to lose or maybe you just want to tone up and build muscle? What ever your needs are, I can help you! I'm here to offer support and motivation in all stages of your journey! So, what are you waiting for? Send me a message or look me up on facebook, I would love to hear what your goals are!

Look at some of these AWESOME transformations all because they took a chance the CHALLENGE with Beachbody!

Reasons To Eat Clean

This seriously made my stomach turn. How could these things be allowed in food?! TWELVE more reason's why we should eat cleaner!

The Top 12 Harmful Food Additives You Need To Eliminate From Your Diet

First on the list is Sodium Nitrate. Switching to turkey bacon in the morning is not good for your health. The reason, sodium nitrate is in processed meats, such as, hot dogs, regular bacon, turkey bacon, bologna and many lunch meats.
What is sodium nitrite? Sodium nitrite is a food additive used as a preservative. It is used to extend the life of meats, and to prevent the growth of bacteria.
What’s the problem? Sodium nitrite is toxic. When you eat it, nitrosamines are formed. These dangerous compounds are highly carcinogenic. During lab studies, researchers inject these compounds into lab mice when they want to give them cancer. Clearly, this is not something we should be consuming. Although you may be consuming less fat by eating turkey products instead of red meat, you are not necessarily reducing your cancer risk. In fact; cancer risk is thought to be higher in meat than other foods, not simply because of the higher saturated fat content, but because of the sodium nitrite content.
Second on the list is BHA & BHT.
BHA and BHT stands for Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). These are food additives that are used as a preservative to keep food from spoilage. BHA and BHT can be found in butter, meats, chewing gum, snack foods, dehydrated potatoes, and even beer. These additives are approved by the FDA as safe for human consumption. However, they are proven carcinogens. There is proof that some people have difficulty metabolizing BHA and this can result in health and behavioral changes.
“The structure of BHA and BHT will change during this process [of preserving food], and may form a compound that reacts in the body,” says Gerbstadt. “BHA and BHT are not stable or inert. They’re not just hanging out and being excreted by the body.” Gerbstadt says that they are obviously not added for the purpose of giving people cancer, but for some people, some of the time, there may be that risk.
Third on the list is Trans fats. This one really ticks me off. Try finding hamburgers without trans fats in them, it is almost impossible. Hamburgers taste perfectly fine without them adding trans fats. Also, those who use margarines, they may not list them in the ingredients – but, most have at least .5% in them and sometimes as high as .7%.
Artificial trans fats are made when hydrogen gas reacts with oil. They can be found in cookies, crackers, icing, potato chips, stick margarine and microwave popcorn. About 80 percent of trans fat in American’s diet comes from factory-produce partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.
Why are they so bad for you?
Trans fats pose a higher risk of heart disease than saturated fats, which were once believed to be the worst kind of fats. While it is true that saturated fats — found in butter, cheese and beef, for example — raise total cholesterol levels, trans fats go a step further. Trans fats not only raise total cholesterol levels, they also deplete good cholesterol (HDL), which helps protect against heart disease.
Fourth on the list is Olestra. This is the additive that Mad TV did a skit on, because of it’s nasty side effects.

Olestra is a fake fat, used to make non-fat potato chips and other snacks. You’d think, with all the bad rap fat has gotten, a non-fat fat would be great. But Olestra has been shown to bind with fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D and K and carotenoids — substances thought to keep the immune system healthy and prevent some cancers — and to eliminate them from your system. Proctor & Gamble, the company that produces olestra, has acknowledged the problem with vitamins A, E, D and K and is now fortifying it with them. Olestra has also caused digestive upset in some people, especially when they eat a lot of it. Often, it’s not just fat in the potato chips that causes problems for people; it’s the fact that they are displacing healthier foods, such as fruit, so Olestra can just perpetuate an unhealthy habit.
Fifth on the list is Propyl gallate.
This preservative, used to prevent fats and oils from spoiling, might cause cancer. It’s used in vegetable oil, meat products, potato sticks, chicken soup base and chewing gum, and is often used with BHA and BHT.
Sixth on the list is Monosodium glutamate. Is an amino acid used widely as a flavor enhancer in frozen dinners, salad dressings, chips and restaurant food. This additive is in my favorite asian foods, like egg rolls and wontons, so I only order chinese take-out now about once a year. Love the taste but, I pay later – feel sluggish and bloated.
MSG is now so ubiquitous in our food chain (east and west) that you would be very hard pressed to go MSG-free. As you would expect, junk foods and instant foods like soups and other mixes contain MSG. Prepared food in your grocery stores and at fast food outlets (KFC chicken skin is massively loaded with MSG) and fine dining restaurants alike are awash in MSG.
When you see the word “citric acid” in prepared food ingredient lists, think MSG. Industrial citric acid is not made from citrus fruits, its made from corn. Its not pure either.
Why is MSG bad for you?
Early on (in the 50s) studies reported significant issues relating to the exposure of mammals to MSG. If neonatal rats were given a single exposure to MSG, the neurons in the inner layer of their retina were killed. It was also reported that certain parts of their brains were injured as well (the hypothalamus). When considering various findings of MSG exposure in the rat, remember that humans are some 5-6 times more sensitive to MSG than rats.
At one point, researchers determined that rats would be an excellent model for the study of obesity after the exposure to MSG. MSG is a chemoinducer of obesity, type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome X in the rat. (lesion of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) by administering monosodium glutamate) Thus, MSG is used in the lab to induce obesity in rats.
Seventh on the list is Potassium bromate.
Potassium bromate (KBrO3) is an oxidizing agent that has been used as a food additive, mainly in the bread-making process. Although adverse effects are not evident in animals fed bread-based diets made from flour treated with KBrO3, the agent is carcinogenic in rats and nephrotoxic in both man and experimental animals when given orally. It has been demonstrated that KBrO3 induces renal cell tumors, mesotheliomas of the peritoneum, and follicular cell tumors of the thyroid. In addition, experiments aimed at elucidating the mode of carcinogenic action have revealed that KBrO3 is a complete carcinogen, possessing both initiating and promoting activities for rat renal tumorigenesis.
Eighth on the list is Aspartame. This is the artificial sugar substitute. I don’t like the aftertaste of Nutrasweet or Equal, which is made by the Monsanto Corporation.
Although aspartame is added to over 9,000 food products, it is not fit for human consumption! This toxic poison changes into formaldehyde in the body and has been linked to migraines, seizures, vision loss and symptoms relating to lupus, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and other health destroying conditions.
Besides being a deadly poison, aspartame actually contributes to weight gain by causing a craving for carbohydrates. A study of 80,000 women by the American Cancer Society found that those who used this neurotoxic “diet” sweetener actually gained more weight than those who didn’t use aspartame products. Find out more about the deadly health risks posed by Monsanto’s toxic sweetener on this website:
Aspartame/Nutrasweet (aspartylphenylalanine-methyl-ester) breaks down to its poison constituents at 86 degrees (Aspartic Acid 40%, Phenylalanine 50%, and Methanol 10%). Remember your stomach is at 98.6 degrees! Therefore you should never use Aspartame/Nutrasweet in hot beverages or cooked foods such as Jell-O. How the FDA allows this remains a mystery. There is mounting evidence that the “Burning Mouth Syndrome” experienced by the Desert Storm troops was actually Methanol poisoning from the Diet Coke they drank lots of, after being exposed to desert temperatures.
Ninth on the list is Food colorings (Blue & , Red , Green , Yellow ).
Research on animals suggests that other additives may cause cancer. This includes six artificial food colorings (blues #1, #2, and #3, green #3, red #3, and yellow #6).
Red #40 some side effects are: ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Red #3 is used in cherries (in fruit cocktails), baked goods and candy. It causes thyroid tumors in rats, and may cause them in humans as well. Blue #1 is used to color candy and is in beverages, may cause cancer.
Artificial food and supplement colorings are made of coal tar and petrochemicals. Who’d knowingly eat that? Among other things, artificial food colorings are shown to increase hyperactivity in a wide range of children…”
Tenth on the list is Sodium chloride. We know it as salt. Large doses can lead to heart and blood pressure problems, as well as strokes and kidney failure.
Eleventh on the list is Acesulfame-K. Is a newer sweetener used in soft drinks and some baked goods. It was approved by the FDA in 1998 for use in soft drinks.
Acesulfame-K—the “K” is the chemistry symbol for potassium—is considered 200 times sweeter than sugar. While Gerbstadt isn’t specifically concerned about this sweetener when used in moderation, there is a general concern that testing on this product has been scant. Some studies showed the additive may cause cancer in rats.
This one should be avoided until further studies are done to know if there are any harmful affects.
Twelfth on the list is White sugar. This is the one I will never give up, but I do use more honey now to cut back on my intake.
The white crystalline substance we know of as sugar is an unnatural substance produced by industrial processes (mostly from sugar cane or sugar beets) by refining it down to pure sucrose, after stripping away all the vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes and other beneficial nutrients.
What is left is a concentrated unnatural substance which the human body is not able to handle, at least not in anywhere near the quantities that is now ingested in today’s accepted lifestyle. Sugar is addictive. The average American now consumes approximately 115 lbs. of sugar per year. This is per man, woman and child.
The damage sugar does is slow and insidious. It takes years before it ruins your pancreas, your adrenal glands, throws your whole endocrine system out of kilter and produces a huge list of damage.
Sugar is the main cause of diabetes, hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. It is either a significant or contributory cause of heart disease, arteriosclerosis, mental illness, depression, senility, hypertension, cancer.
These additives are some of the many reasons more and more people are turning to organic foods. Not everyone can afford the prices of organic foods but, being informed can make it easier to shop healthier.

Post adapted from source:

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